
no longer

I don't pity you, as you seem to have found your niche; the one you have been searching for since I have known you. However your chameleon-like tendencies imply false fronts poised perfectly with the essential hardened accessories. I know longer feel the fondness I once did for you as the person you are seems to have changed back to who you were brought up to be. The person that left a bad taste in my mouth 4th period in grade 11. I know my person, I know it's tendancy to change so I can respect the fact, perhaps the optimist in me views change as a progessive movement upward; the realist in me knows this isn't the case. Two steps back, it's as if you dug in deep and didn't like what you saw. The surface is better, you probably said to yourself I can now change it's lanscape. However both mirror nothing significant.

It's like I was given a taste of what you could have been, I pity you don't have the capacity