
title title title..

money, totals, paperwork, applications, waiting.

the dry beaurocratic bullshit rears it's head and invades my mind, interrupting what should be a peaceful summer.

no sense in procrastinating however, might as well try and get it all out of the way now so I am able to enjoy the half of summer I have left to myself.

The preperation I am attempting to accumulate for my life is preventing me from living, and placing me in a hole I am really not looking forward to digging myself out of later on.

I should be excited though, not having to work means I am allowed to do things like study on a wednesday night when I need to as opposed to working. 5 days in a work-week while attempting to go to school full time is not feesable I've discovered. Especially with the added stress of one more class bringing my already full time load to 5 classes.

Live Live Live.

This is what I am attempting to do, my path to success littered with an future, unsuccessful me.